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QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 5.iso
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Internet Message Format
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 94 04:30:37 PDT
From: Ham-Space Mailing List and Newsgroup <ham-space@ucsd.edu>
Errors-To: Ham-Space-Errors@UCSD.Edu
Reply-To: Ham-Space@UCSD.Edu
Precedence: Bulk
Subject: Ham-Space Digest V94 #164
To: Ham-Space
Ham-Space Digest Wed, 22 Jun 94 Volume 94 : Issue 164
Today's Topics:
C200 controller (2 msgs)
Ham/Macintosh BBS
Macintosh tracking programs
Online (Pro) Space Station Petition (2 msgs)
Satellite FAQ is very helpful for preparing for Field Day.
Satellite images
Shortwave radio guide book HELP!!!
Wanted: Satellite Gear
Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Ham-Space@UCSD.Edu>
Send subscription requests to: <Ham-Space-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
Archives of past issues of the Ham-Space Digest are available
(by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-space".
We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Date: 21 Jun 1994 16:35:26 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!agate!spool.mu.edu!news.clark.edu!netnews.nwnet.net!reuter.cse.ogi.edu!flop.ENGR.ORST.EDU!news.csos.orst.edu!CSOS.ORST.EDU!colink@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: C200 controller
To: ham-space@ucsd.edu
I would like to know if any of you "Packet Hackers" have any info. on
a Contronics C200 Micro Earth Station.
It was manufactured by Contronics. The division that made it is no
longer in operation. It was bought out by GTE Spacenet. They will
not give me any info on it. Depending on who you talk to you will
get conflicting stories. Some say the info is proprietary some say
it is not. The only info they have sent me is for a 40 foot earth
listing station. The one I have is a scaled down model. ie:2.5
I hope to use this for packet radio someday. I am in the process
of acquiring my "Ham" license now. Can anyone tell me how to use
this "dish" and controller for listening purposes.
The "dish" came from a Farmers insurance agent that went out of
business. I acquired it at an auction.
I can be reached at colink@kira.csos.orst.edu Thanks...Colin.
Date: 21 Jun 1994 16:40:24 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!agate!spool.mu.edu!news.clark.edu!netnews.nwnet.net!reuter.cse.ogi.edu!flop.ENGR.ORST.EDU!news.csos.orst.edu!CSOS.ORST.EDU!colink@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: C200 controller
To: ham-space@ucsd.edu
I would like to know if any of you "Packet Hackers" have any info. on
a Contronics C200 Micro Earth Station.
It was manufactured by Contronics. The division that made it is no
longer in operation. It was bought out by GTE Spacenet. They will
not give me any info on it. Depending on who you talk to you will
get conflicting stories. Some say the info is proprietary some say
it is not. The only info they have sent me is for a 40 foot earth
listing station. The one I have is a scaled down model. ie:2.5
I hope to use this for packet radio someday. I am in the process
of acquiring my "Ham" license now. Can anyone tell me how to use
this "dish" and controller for listening purposes.
The "dish" came from a Farmers insurance agent that went out of
business. I acquired it at an auction.
I can be reached at colink@kira.csos.orst.edu Thanks...Colin.
Date: 21 Jun 1994 23:04:33 GMT
From: swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!newsxfer.itd.umich.edu!jobone!lynx.unm.edu!news.cs.indiana.edu!nstn.ns.ca!news.unb.ca!torn!uunet.ca!uunet.ca!ionews@ihnp4.ucsd.edu
Subject: Ham/Macintosh BBS
To: ham-space@ucsd.edu
Gallery's BBS moved to a new phone number at 202-298-6009.
We feature Macintosh shareware for ham radio and other general use
files for the Mac.The system is free and all callers are welcome.No
download/upload ratios or any other restrains.
Settings are standard modem ones and it supports calls up to 9600 bd
Thanks for reading this and hope to see a few more users logging in..
73's de Paulo,N3MGA
Date: 21 Jun 1994 19:44:40 -0700
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!agate!apple.com!apple.com!not-for-mail@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Macintosh tracking programs
To: ham-space@ucsd.edu
I've seen some requests for Macintosh satellite tracking programs
on this newsgroup recently. Here are the ones listed in Terry
Stader (KA8SGP)'s Mac ham software list.
FWIW, I use SatTrak and MacSPOC myself.
============================== Patty Winter ==============================
Apple contractor Internet: winter@apple.com
Sunnyvale, California AMPRNet:
"Here I've been talking with the most intelligent people
in the world, and I never even noticed." --Columbo
================================== N6BIS =================================
<SatTrak v1.02>
Tracks one satellite across a world map as it moves, displays the
instantaneous position of several satellites, or generates tables of
all satellites visible from a certain location at a given time. Also
calculates beam headings, Maidenhead grid locations, and MUFs.
Shareware. Available via anonymous FTP from sumex-aim.stanford.edu
(/info-mac/app). Or send a formatted 800K Macintosh disk with
stamped, self-addressed disk mailer to Mike Pflueger, WD8KPZ, 6207
W. Beverly Lane, Glendale, AZ 85306.
<MacSat v3.1>
Tracks up to 21 satellites simultaneously, either in simulation or
real-time mode. Text screen displays ground-track coordinates,
range, mean anomaly, visibility (azimuth and elevation) and Doppler
shift frequency information for all satellites being tracked.
Graphical screen portrays the satellite ground tracks superimposed
on a world map. Polar plot displays graphically the precise location
of each visible satellite above the observer's horizon. Developed
by the Geodetic Research Laboratory of the University of New
Brunswick. Available from Richard B. Langley, R.R. 12, Fredericton,
N.B. E3B 6H7, Canada (Internet: lang@unb.ca). A demo version of
MacSat may be ftp'ed from directory PUB.CANSPACE on unbmvs1.csd.unb.ca.
System 7
<OrbiTrack> <OrbiTrackFPU v2.1.4>
Calculates look angles to selected satellites, plots current
satellite positions on a world map, and displays the visible passage
of a satellite against background stars (either within the program
itself or via a data file that can be read into the Voyager
astronomy program). Please note that one version requires an FPU to
operate! BEK Developers, P.O. Box 47114, St. Petersburg, FL 33743.
(Bill Bard, CompuServe: 75366,2557) (Note: This replaces BEK's
previous MacSat program, which was not related to the program of the
same name from UNB.)
Macintosh version of N4HY's QuikTrak program. Requires Microsoft
BASIC. AMSAT, P.O. Box 27, Washington, DC 20044.
<Satellite Orbit Prediction Program>
Macintosh conversion of W3IWI program. Requires Microsoft BASIC.
Send formatted 800K Macintosh disk with stamped, self-addressed disk
mailer to Earl Skelton, N3ES, 6311 29th Place NW, Washington, DC
20015. Or send self-addressed stamped envelope for source listing.
<Satellite Pro>
Uses world maps and tables to indicate rising and setting
schedules, current locations, mutual visibility opportunities, and
footprints. Includes Mercator, polar, and great-circle displays.
Optional antenna control. MacTrak Software, P.O. Box 1590, Port
Orchard, WA 98366.
<Macintosh Spacecraft Personal Orbit Computations (MacSPOC)>
Software used aboard the Space Shuttle and in Mission Control
to track the Shuttle. Models engine burns, orbit perturbations,
and the Shuttle's orientation. Free online data uploads during
Shuttle missions.
Commercial v1.5 available from Daniel R. Adamo,
4203 Moonlight Shadow Ct., Houston, TX 77059; telephone
713-480-9631; AppleLink: D3176; America Online: AdamoD. Test
drive v1.1 available on AppleLink (path "K-12 Education: Education
Resources: Science Resources: MacSPOC: Space Shuttle Orbit Software").
Author is on AOL and can be reached as adamod@aol.com via the internet.
============================== Patty Winter ==============================
Apple contractor Internet: winter@apple.com
Sunnyvale, California AMPRNet:
"Here I've been talking with the most intelligent people
in the world, and I never even noticed." --Columbo
================================== N6BIS =================================
Date: 21 Jun 1994 14:28:43 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!library.ucla.edu!csulb.edu!nic-nac.CSU.net!news.Cerritos.edu!news.Arizona.EDU!bozo!ssa@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Online (Pro) Space Station Petition
To: ham-space@ucsd.edu
Dear Colleague:
Student Space Action would like to inform you of a way in which you can
directly voice your support for manned space exploration. As you read
this, your space program is in danger of becoming extinct. Congress is
once again attempting to eliminate space station funding. Cancellation of
the space station could mean the phase-out of space exploration and
eventual termination of aerospace industries and job opportunities. The
resulting impact on the nation's economy, technology and educational
system would be disastrous.
You can tell your congressmen exactly how much you support the space
station and the manned space initiative by signing the Student Space
Action's Interactive Online Petition. Simply follow these steps:
telnet seds.lpl.arizona.edu
login> space
Now answer the questions to the best of your ability
(read the directions accompanying the petition--
use <tab> to enter answer; <enter> to toggle yes/no;
up/down arrows to go backwards and forwards through
questions. Caution: if floating characters appear on
your screen--ignore--it's probably just an emulation
problem. Your petition will still be signed.
After you submit the petition, you will receive information
on your congressmen and senators so you can contact them further
by phone or mail if you desire.
The petition is also accessible by NCSA Mosaic. Simply go to the following
URL and follow the directions:
URL: http://seds.lpl.arizona.edu/ssa/petition.html
Answer the questions and submit the petition and you
will receive the same information as the telnet version.
You will also have the option of linking to the space
station home page where you can read up-to-date information
on the space station, including issues of "Space Station
This Week."
Please forward this message to anyone you may feel would want to be a part
of this effort--everyone!
If you believe the space program is a vital part of our country's future,
both in economic growth and technological advancement, then sign the
Student Space Action's Interactive Petition.
If you believe that NASA should remain as an engine for continued manned
space exploration, then tell everyone you know to sign this petition.
If you believe that our government, by supporting an initiative like the
space station, is making an investment in the future generation of this
great nation, then send your message to Washington by signing the Student
Space Action Interactive Petition.
Your voice does count! And it WILL make a difference!
Student Space Action
Date: 21 Jun 1994 14:37:07 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!library.ucla.edu!csulb.edu!nic-nac.CSU.net!news.Cerritos.edu!news.Arizona.EDU!bozo!ssa@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Online (Pro) Space Station Petition
To: ham-space@ucsd.edu
Dear Colleague:
Student Space Action would like to inform you of a way in which you can
directly voice your support for manned space exploration. As you read
this, your space program is in danger of becoming extinct. Congress is
once again attempting to eliminate space station funding. Cancellation of
the space station could mean the phase-out of space exploration and
eventual termination of aerospace industries and job opportunities. The
resulting impact on the nation's economy, technology and educational
system would be disastrous.
You can tell your congressmen exactly how much you support the space
station and the manned space initiative by signing the Student Space
Action's Interactive Online Petition. Simply follow these steps:
telnet seds.lpl.arizona.edu
login> space
Now answer the questions to the best of your ability
(read the directions accompanying the petition--
use <tab> to enter answer; <enter> to toggle yes/no;
up/down arrows to go backwards and forwards through
questions. Caution: if floating characters appear on
your screen--ignore--it's probably just an emulation
problem. Your petition will still be signed.
After you submit the petition, you will receive information
on your congressmen and senators so you can contact them further
by phone or mail if you desire.
The petition is also accessible by NCSA Mosaic. Simply go to the following
URL and follow the directions:
URL: http://seds.lpl.arizona.edu/ssa/petition.html
Answer the questions and submit the petition and you
will receive the same information as the telnet version.
You will also have the option of linking to the space
station home page where you can read up-to-date information
on the space station, including issues of "Space Station
This Week."
Please forward this message to anyone you may feel would want to be a part
of this effort--everyone!
If you believe the space program is a vital part of our country's future,
both in economic growth and technological advancement, then sign the
Student Space Action's Interactive Petition.
If you believe that NASA should remain as an engine for continued manned
space exploration, then tell everyone you know to sign this petition.
If you believe that our government, by supporting an initiative like the
space station, is making an investment in the future generation of this
great nation, then send your message to Washington by signing the Student
Space Action Interactive Petition.
Your voice does count! And it WILL make a difference!
Student Space Action
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 94 16:09:39 PDT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!library.ucla.edu!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!uhog.mit.edu!news.kei.com!ssd.intel.com!chnews!news@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Relays
To: ham-space@ucsd.edu
Can anyone tell me where I might find (purchase cheaply) some 12-24 VDC
relays that I can use to switch in/out my 2m and 70cm antenna preamps?
I need to take the premaps out-of-line before transmitting. They need to
operate at 145 and 443 MHz with minimum signal lost and capable of handling
150 watts of RF output power. I perfer PC mount type so I can mount them inside
the preamp bud box. Coaxial relays (Dowell or TohTus) are big and require coax
Thanks, Tom WB7ASR...
Date: 21 Jun 1994 09:16:18 -0500
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!usc!cs.utexas.edu!not-for-mail@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Satellite FAQ is very helpful for preparing for Field Day.
To: ham-space@ucsd.edu
Since I posted my question regarding how to make a satellite contact on
field day, and since no one responded to that message, I figured that there
must me some information (read FAQ) at one of the known amateur radio mirror
sites. I must have missed when it was posted to this newsgroup.
I ftp'd to oak.oakland.edu:/pub/hamradio/docs/faq and
got the file faq_sats.txt. This document is very helpful to me. With this
in hand, along with the output for my location from one of the tracking
programs which uses the 2liner element sents for the Satellites, I will be
in fine shape for field day.
I hope that this message will be helpful to other hams interested in trying
to work a satellite on field day.
Jeff Johnson
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 94 17:34:15 EDT
From: library.ucla.edu!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!news.umbc.edu!eff!news.kei.com!babbage.ece.uc.edu!news.cs.indiana.edu!nstn.ns.ca!newsflash.concordia.ca!sifon!clouso.crim.ca!@@ihnp4.ucsd.edu
Subject: Satellite images
To: ham-space@ucsd.edu
Can anyone tell me if there is an FTP site or BBS which would allow the
download of amateur satellite images. (Other than direct download from
the satellite itself) ?
Thank you.
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 22:51:33 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!uknet!demon!news@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Shortwave radio guide book HELP!!!
To: ham-space@ucsd.edu
In article <2tov7s$bfe@aladdin.iii.org.tw> idpt783@tpts1.seed.net.tw writes:
>I am considering buying a shortwave radio guide book.
> Here are 3 three books to choice.
> 1.Passport World Band Radio 1994
> 2.1994 Edition Wordldradio TV Handbook
> 3.Shortwave Listening Guide Book, Harry Helms, Second Edition
>Do you have an opinion on which one of these is better for my to buy ?
Not clear where your are calling from, but if UK (or US/Europe) I suggest you
request them all from your local library, then make an informed choice, if any
still needed. We need to use our libraries before they are taken away in
government cuts !! Usually libraries are only too happy to dig things out, or
find them elsewhere, or even buy fresh.
Date: 21 Jun 1994 16:51:09 -0500
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!uwm.edu!post.its.mcw.edu!not-for-mail@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Wanted: Satellite Gear
To: ham-space@ucsd.edu
I am interested in obtaining gear for a satellite station. I need most
things and am particularly interested in a Yaesu FT-736R. If you have
satelllite equipment for sale or you want to upgrade send e-mail.
Michael J. Malloy Amateur Radio N9WJV
Medical College of Wisconsin Compuserve 70334,3563
Milwaukee, Wisconsin Internet mmjjmm@post.its.mcw.edu
End of Ham-Space Digest V94 #164